In order to let you see your your goods or stuff that you desire to transport from the point you are in to any part of the world or from any part of the world to any point in Turkey in the same situation before the transportation process we conduct the processes of packaging,clearance from the customs office and deliver them to the destination you wish overland, by airline or by seaway with the quality of our materials in European standarts and with our expert team.
Subsequent to the application you will make either via phone or e-mail ,we arrange a suitable day and time for you.On the arranged day our expert staff visits you to examine the stuff and the requirements of it.After we obtain the necessary information about the volume of your goods and their delivery destination and time, we bid the most reasonable price according to the total volume of your goods,delivery destination and their means of transportation;overland,airlines or seaway.
Packaging For Long Distances
We provide you with the best transportation service with our materials the quality of which are equal to that of Europe.Your furnitures-goods that are demontaged by our expert staff are by wrapping several times with bubbled package materials and cartons.We never like the word "risk" , so we use bubbled package materials and white cartons for your fragile kitchen stuff and place them into the parcels in which they cannot touch each other.Your sensitive electronic devices,highly sensitive antique stuff or your belongings that have special value for you are ,up to the situation, after several packaging processes, placed either into wood chests or into chests full of styrofoam in order not to let you down by unexpected surprises.
After the packaing process of your goods-stuff, in order to be able to see your happy, smiling face in destination we stick etiquettes on each parcel and take an inventory of what there is in each and their number.At the end of this process we provide you with a copy of the inventory.
Your goods are insured on the value you specify.Your goods that have been insured are supplied with a clearance from the customs office by our expert staff.
If you prefer overland transportation,we use trucks with enclosed iron trailers supplied with airbags inside , so we aim at minimizing shaking.If you prefer Seaway transportation İn 20, 40 or in H3 containers ; and if you prefer airline transportation,With cargo planes, we do our best to provide you , our friend, with the best that can be offered.And according to the volume of the goods, in your grupage preferences, your goods are placed into big parcels or chests to make it safer.
The valuable things you deposited to us are received from the customs office by our solution partners who are in all parts of the world and are, by appointment, delivered to their destination.With the same careful hands the packages are opened, located and those which have been demontaged are montaged.And according to your will everything is prepared for your pleasure.Only thing you need to do ,then, is going on your life ordinarily...